Masud Olufani’s Robert Turner Memorial

Masud Olufani is an Atlanta based actor, mixed media artist and writer who is drawn to authentic stories and social constructs one has to navigate. He deals with things like race, social stratification and economic disadvantage. He is not just focused on diagnosing problems, but to point out the way humans transcend their condition. He encourages those who view his work to go on a journey with him. He asks us to step out of language which locks people out of our shared humanity. As opposed to saying “those poor Mexicans,” Masud asks us to say “My brothers and sisters who happen to be Mexican are struggling at the border what does that part of my family need.” In this way, we can reinforce the spiritual and the phenomenal reality of our oneness. One of his #Other2One actions is to offer his work on the Robert Turner Memorial as a gift to humanity which will help reorder the social structure, particularly for those forced into slavery’s coffle, equate a degraded and demeaned people with the faculty of ‘sight’ essential to the forward progress of humanity and a door to enter the Kingdom of God.


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