Sijuade Abdulbasith Akinyemi-Eshilokun, Young African Leaders Forum Ambassador

Sijuade Abdulbasith Akinyemi-Eshilokun is a Health Enthusiast, Community Development Strategist and Author who always seeks to encourage youth to contribute to community development. He states that "youths can get involved as stakeholders in governance & community development in various ways. Let us also join hands to celebrate & reward our integrity heroes. WE ARE YOUTHS, LET US CHANGE THE NARRATIVES.” In his autobiographical publication “I Don Wake Up,” (available at he describes his Journey as a Nigerian boy through the toils and turmoils that the society has posed against him as he transitions into adulthood. He views sharing these life-moulding stories as one of the best ways to foster learning across all ages. One of his #Other2One actions is to be a youth ambassador for the Young African Leadership Forum which brings Young Leaders from across Africa together in a Pan-African spirit to solve their own needs, advocate for the needs of others and participate actively in their societies in a united fashion. YALF biannually shares their insights in the prestigious journal ‘Young African Leaders Journal of Development’ (YALJOD)


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